Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Homesick Christmas♡

Today is Christmas Eve and I'm up early prepping for our Christmas lunch tomorrow. I've decorated Christmas cookies, that to be honest, didn't taste as good as they looked! Anyways, I watched the final Hobbit movie this weekend. It kinda turned into a little Christmas tradition to go watch it in theaters. I'm going to miss that. (The movie was so good btw. It finally gave me the LOTR feels I wanted in the other two!)

I managed to get a couple things under the tree that will actually be a surprise for Steven. He can always guess what he gets from me! My family in Texas got their gifts I sent and I can't wait for them to open them. I didn't really buy too many gifts this year. Mostly just focused on getting me and Steven things.

Now that Christmas is here, I am sadder than I thought I would be. Spending the holidays away from your family for the first time kinda makes me a little emotional. Still going to focus on now and make sure to give my family a phone call. Please remember the military members that aren't able to go home. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

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